Research and advice on labour rights in the garment sector

Research on grievance mechanisms

For Dutch trade union federation CNV, we examined the role trade unions can play in building and implementing effective international grievance mechanisms that help garment companies fulfil their due diligence obligations. Our focus was on the position and participation of local trade unions.

Report on promoting freedom of association and social dialogue

CNV commissioned us to write a report on the lessons learned from one of their partnership programmes on freedom of association: AMPLIFY. In collaboration with 19 Dutch garment brands, trade union organisations CNV International (CNV-I) and Mondiaal FNV (MFNV) implemented the AMPLIFY project from September 2020 to December 2021. The aim of this programme was to promote freedom of association and social dialogue among suppliers of Dutch garment brands. The participating brands received guidance from CNV-I and MFNV to strengthen internal policy and focus on freedom of association at garment production facilities. The project was part of the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile (AGT), which sought to improve working conditions, prevent pollution, and promote animal welfare in production countries.

Workers in a garment factory. Photo: CNV International