AIM – European Brands Association

Supporting brands in navigating EU sustainability legislation We work with AIM (Association des Industries de Marque), the European Brands Association, to help manufacturers of branded consumer goods address the challenges posed by evolving EU sustainability regulations. Our support focuses on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the EU Forced Labour Regulation (EUFLR). We:…

Grant Thornton

Community of practice on monitoring responsible public purchasing On behalf of Grant Thornton, Ethics at Work organised and facilitated a community of practice (CoP) on monitoring socially responsible public purchasing. The CoP was an initiative of Rijkswaterstaat, which is part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, and responsible for the design, construction,…


Expert input for report For the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), we reviewed and provided content for a publication on the quality infrastructure in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Our input focused on diversity, social inclusion and decent work. The report is available here.


FNV We have been engaged in several FNV projects. The Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV) is the largest trade union in the Netherlands, with over 1.1 million members. Programme management and research We provide programme management support for Mondiaal FNV‘s activities in India. Mondiaal FNV supports projects in over 100 countries located in Africa, Asia,…


Research and advice on labour rights in the garment sector Research on grievance mechanisms For Dutch trade union federation CNV, we examined the role trade unions can play in building and implementing effective international grievance mechanisms that help garment companies fulfil their due diligence obligations. Our focus was on the position and participation of local…


Leadership and advice on decent work As the lead on decent work for the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE), Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob was responsible for coordinating technical assistance on decent work, setting up and coordinating the implementation of a framework to assess job quality, and leading the development of a lean living…

Seafood Trade Intelligence Portal (STIP)

Buyer consultation on the Bangladeshi seafood industry Before its merger with Kontali, the Seafood Trade Intelligence Portal (STIP) used global networks to bring together forward-thinking suppliers of seafood, buyers and investors. STIP’s products and services tracked developments in supply chains and enabled companies to find business partners that can meet their quality and sustainability requirements.…