Our work in images


Amsterdam, February 2025

On behalf of Solidaridad, we participated in a two-day working group meeting to help develop the first GRI standard for the textiles and apparel sector.

London, January 2025

We were in London for a presentation on EU due diligence legislation at the Consumer Goods Forum‘s Sustainable Retail Summit.

Paris, January 2025

On behalf of AIM, we were in Paris for a meeting a Pernod Ricard‘s headquarters.

Brussels, December 2024

Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob supports AIM – European Brands Association on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) and the Forced Labour Regulation (FLR). During this visit to Brussels, he engaged with AIM members and attended the Christmas reception.

Paris, February 2024

We were at the OECD forum on due diligence in the garment and footwear sector, which brought together governments, businesses, unions, civil society, and academia to discuss challenges and risks, as well as learnings and solutions related to responsibly implementing due diligence in global garment and footwear supply chains.

Utrecht, December 2023

For Solidaridad, we completed an assignment that involved reviewing tools and approaches used to assess purchasing practices and creating an assessment tool for Solidaridad’s partnerships. One of the deliverables of this project was a report with an overview and comparison of the different approaches and tools.

Amsterdam, November 2023

Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob was in Amsterdam for the kick-off of an International Accord programme aimed at making garment and textile factories in Pakistan safer for workers. The programme is contributing to improved working conditions for over 750,000 people, covering between 500 and 700 factories and fabric mills in Pakistan.

London and Utrecht, June 2023

For Solidaridad and PAN UK, we developed the 2023 Cotton Ranking. The ranking revealed that only 9 of the 82 largest cotton-sourcing companies bought nearly all of their cotton from certified sources. We also co-authored a paper that underscored the imperative for brands to source cotton sustainably, ensuring farmers’ well-being and environmental protection.

Freiburg, March 2023

We organised and facilitated a virtual discussion on sourcing sustainable textiles from Ethiopia for Solidaridad Network. Ethiopian factory managers shared their ideas on implementing sustainable processes in their factories and how Ethiopian companies can succeed in the global market.

Utrecht, February 2023

On behalf of Grant Thornton, Ethics at Work organised and facilitated a community of practice (CoP) on socially responsible public purchasing for public buyers. It was an initiative of Rijkswaterstaat, a government agency that is responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands.

Amsterdam, January 2023

From November 2022 to February 2023, Bart Slob helped manage Mondiaal FNV‘s activities in the Indian garment sector. Mondiaal FNV supports projects in over 100 countries located in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe through resources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, of FNV and its affiliates.

Utrecht, December 2022

We presented our research for CNV Internationaal on complaints mechanisms in the garment industry at the annual human rights event organised by the Dutch Association for Sustainable Investors (VBDO).

Freiburg, November 2022

We facilitated a workshop organised by Solidaridad Germany to discuss the opportunities for European companies interested in sourcing ready-made garments from Ethiopia. In the workshop, buyers and experts shared information on the latest developments in the Ethiopian RMG sector and discussed innovative solutions for sustainable sourcing.

Utrecht, October 2022

During a webinar organised by CNV Internationaal, Bart Slob presented the results of a study on the role of trade unions in building and implementing effective grievance mechanisms. For this study we interviewed trade union and civil society representatives in Europe and in garment producing countries, such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia.

The Hague, May 2022

On behalf of CNV, we made a presentation on effective grievance mechanisms to members of TruStone, a multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to address social and environmental issues in the natural stone sector.

Utrecht, May 2022

For CNV Internationaal and Mondiaal FNV, we wrote a paper on how to promote freedom of association and social dialogue among suppliers of garment brands. The paper marked the end of the AMPLIFY project, which was implemented by the unions in collaboration with 19 Dutch brands.

Monrovia and Kenema, February 2022

In collaboration with the International Cocoa Initiative and CBI, we helped organise child labour awareness training programmes in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The aim of the programmes is to monitor and reduce the incidence of child labour in the cocoa sector in both countries.

Monrovia and Kenema, November 2021

For CBI, we helped organise Women in Cocoa and Chocolate (WINCC) events in Liberia and in Sierra Leone, in collaboration with Solidaridad. WINCC’s objective is to help women in the cocoa value chain increase their impact, become more visible, connect with other women and inspire others.

Kenema, June 2021

On behalf of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency / CBI, we co-organised a workshop on sustainable business with cocoa cooperatives and companies in Kenema, Sierra Leone.

Utrecht, February 2021

Until June 2021, Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob will organise Solidaridad‘s participation in the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile. He will also advise Solidaridad Europe on advocacy and policy influencing.

The Hague, December 2020

Since April 2019, we have been conducting child labour risk assessments on behalf of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) / Fund against Child Labour (FBK). In this video, three companies (Muta Sport Nederland, Finma and Spicemasters) share how they have identified and addressed child labour with FBK’s support.

Amsterdam and Washington, December 2020

This year we have coordinated and co-written several reports for investors on soy and beef-driven deforestation in Brazil. All reports are available on the Chain Reaction Research website.

Utrecht and Cairo, July 2020

We helped the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment launch a call for proposals aimed at disrupting the employment status quo for young Egyptian women. The fund seeks to fund innovative private-sector solutions that address barriers and create new spaces for women to participate equally in the Egyptian workforce.

Amsterdam and Washington, May 2020

For Aidenvironment and Chain Reaction Research, we coordinated the publication of a report on the fires that burned in Brazil and Indonesia last year. These fires were related to deforestation for agricultural land expansion, natural causes, and maintenance of farmland.

Utrecht and Kampala, May 2020

We made a presentation about decent work in a webinar for organisations that want to apply for a grant from the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE). The selected projects will lead to thousands of decent jobs for youth in Uganda.

Cairo and Alexandria, March 2020

For the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE), we were in Egypt to meet with youth groups, businesses, investors, and government representatives. The CFYE will soon launch a challenge to create decent employment opportunities in Egypt. The Fund aims to create a prosperous future for 200,000 young women and men in the Middle East, North Africa, Sahel & West Africa and Horn of Africa.

Heliopolis, February 2020

Tawakol is one of the Egyptian companies that we have been coaching on CSR, decent work and gender equality, on behalf of CBI. With CBI’s support, they have been able to adapt to more sustainable ways of working and grow their business.

Nuremberg, February 2020

A day before the start of Biofach 2020, the world’s leading trade fair for organic products, we organized a workshop with Indonesian and Nepalese exporters of medicinal and aromatic plants, essential oils, and natural ingredients. For the Import Promotion Desk (IPD) we have helped them develop and implement CSR action plans.

Cairo, January 2020

On behalf of Solidaridad Network, we were in Egypt for a scoping mission, with many meetings about sustainable agriculture, decent work, youth employment, and technical and vocational education.

Freetown and Monrovia, November 2019

We were lucky enough to be in beautiful Sierra Leone and Liberia to train cocoa cooperatives and exporters on sustainable business, on behalf of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency / CBI.

Utrecht, October 2019

We were at Palladium Europe’s office for a kick-off meeting with the team that will manage the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE). The CFYE is a six-year and € 114 million programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Beheira, September 2019

We were in Egypt again to train and coach companies on sustainable business practices, on behalf of the Import Promotion Desk (IPD). The companies that participated in the training course produce natural ingredients and fresh fruit and vegetables. We did an assessment of one of them in the Beheira desert, where they produce grapes and very tasty pomegranates.

Cairo, June 2019

We were in Egypt to coach companies on CSR and to conduct a workshop with Egyptian and Jordanian CSR experts, on behalf of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency / CBI.

Utrecht, May 2019

Until October 2019, we will be responsible for Solidaridad‘s work related to the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile. The companies that have signed this agreement are drafting and implementing action plans to make their supply chains more sustainable. We will also advise Solidaridad Europe on advocacy and policy influencing.

Gbonota, March 2019

For the International Trade Centre (ITC), we met with cocoa cooperatives in Liberia. Ethics at Work helps ITC develop a project to increase the income of farmers by connecting cooperatives directly with international buyers and premium chocolate brands.

Cairo, March 2019

We were back in Egypt to train and coach engineering companies on corporate social responsibility, on behalf of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency / CBI – Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries, in collaboration with the Engineering Export Council of Egypt. The companies that participate in this programme produce and export car parts, kitchen equipment, sheet metal products, lighting, batteries and packaging machines.

Utrecht, February 2019

About a hundred government officials, producers, processors, exporters, importers and retailers gathered in Utrecht to find ways of exporting more and better shrimp from Bangladesh to Europe. Commissioned by the Seafood Trade Intelligence Portal (STIP), we prepared and co-chaired this consultation with Maarten Mens.

Washington, December 2018

For Aidenvironment we worked on a report about foreign farmland investors in Brazil. The report was published by Chain Reaction Research and details how deforestation rates on foreign-held farms in Brazil have dropped significantly since 2012.

Jakarta, November 2018

For the Import Promotion Desk, we trained a group of suppliers of natural ingredients at the Indonesian Ministry of Industry. We are helping these companies develop CSR strategies and action plans.

Kathmandu, November 2018

We were in Nepal to provide training on sustainable business practices to suppliers of medicinal and aromatic plants, as part of a project for the Import Promotion Desk, in collaboration with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Ganta, October 2018

On behalf of the International Trade Centre we visited cocoa farms, cooperatives and traders in the Bong and Nimba counties in Liberia. On this photo, farmers show how they ferment cocoa beans.

Monrovia, October 2018

For the International Trade Centre we were in Monrovia, Liberia, where we met with the minister of agriculture, the deputy minister for commerce and trade services, and the DG of the Liberia Agriculture Commodities Regulatory Authority (LACRA). We also visited several cocoa exporters in the Freeport of Monrovia.

The Hague, September 2018

For ASN Bank, Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob moderated the launch of the Platform Living Wage Financials, a Dutch investor coalition aimed at raising the wages of workers in global supply chains.

Amsterdam, September 2018

We were back at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) to chair a CBI focus group on trends, sourcing strategies and requirements in the processed fruits and vegetables and edible nuts sectors.

Amsterdam, July 2018

In Amsterdam again, to kick off a mid-term review for the Chain Reaction Research consortium. Great workshop set-up, with Green Century Capital Management and Climate Advisers participating from two different locations in the US.

Amsterdam, July 2018

We were in Amsterdam to work on programme development in the processed fruits and vegetables sector, with some of CBI’s brilliant programme managers.

Kenilworth, June 2018

We have a new office! We are now at the Rural Innovation Centre at Stoneleigh Park, a leading centre in the UK for rural science, innovation and business. Ethics at Work continues to make business more sustainable – not only in agriculture, but also in other sectors, such as garments, engineering and finance.

Lille, May 2018

At the annual conference of the Round Table on Responsible Soy, we highlighted Aidenvironment‘s work to halt soy-driven deforestation.

Cairo, May 2018

We developed and conducted a training course on sustainable business, on behalf of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). We developed ambitious CSR action plans for 13 Egyptian engineering companies.

Washington, April 2018

We are involved in a project called Chain Reaction Research, which combines detailed satellite imagery, supply chain data and field research to track deforestation in the Brazilian Matopiba region. We use this information to identify investment risks. This report shows that clearing for soy is still in full swing, despite zero-deforestation commitments made by large agribusiness companies.

Amsterdam, March 2018

Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob spent a couple of days at Aidenvironment‘s amazing Amsterdam office. In the coming months, he will help Aidenvironment conduct sustainability risk analysis for financial analysts and investors, with a special focus on Brazilian soy and livestock.

Bogotá, February 2018

For CBI, ProColombia and Inexmoda, Rupa Ganguli and Bart Slob led a study on market opportunities in Europe for Colombian swim and shapewear producers. We had a close look at opportunities in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.

The Hague, January 2018

One of our assignments in 2017 was representing Solidaridad Network on the steering committee of the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile, a rather unique initiative with very ambitious goals. The English version of its annual report was published in January 2018.

Kenilworth, January 2018

This book explains why so many people love craft beer nowadays, even in wine and spirit-drinking countries. We contributed to the chapter about the Netherlands. Unfortunately the book’s price is so high that it would buy you 56 pints of craft beer in a Wetherspoon pub! If you’d like to read the chapter on the Netherlands, we can send it to you for free. Just drop us an email.

The Hague and Lima, December 2017

We facilitated a session on the production of sustainable pima cotton in Peru, at two locations at the same time (the Dutch embassy in Lima and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency in The Hague). CBI, in close collaboration with partners in Peru, supports Peru’s apparel sector, from pima cotton farmers in Piura, to UPC’s design school and young designer talent in Lima, to small and medium-sized alpaca and pima cotton apparel brands that are on their way to access the European market.

Utrecht, September 2017

In the coming months we will be in charge of Solidaridad‘s work related to the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile. The companies that have signed this agreement are drafting and implementing action plans to make their supply chains more sustainable. We are also advising Solidaridad Europe on advocacy and policy influencing.

The Hague, July 2017

Oxfam Novib published a paper that called on the Dutch government to combine a high development budget for agriculture with a solid strategy for resolving hunger by 2030, to scale up climate finance for adaptations in the agricultural sector, and to supply improved data on the impact of agricultural investments for each target group and gender. Ethics at Work’s Jolien Schure and Bart Slob did the research for this paper.

Geneva, April 2017

We were at the University of Geneva to teach a module on supply chain responsibility for the executive education in CSR programme. ITC’s Mathieu Lamolle was one of the guest speakers.

Geneva, March 2017

The International Trade Centre (ITC) invited us to participate in a practitioner workshop and a conference on inclusive and sustainable agribusiness development.

Kenilworth, January 2017

KRFC ladies
What a great way to start off 2017! We announced our sponsorship of Kenilworth Ladies Rugby, a fantastic local team that is doing brilliantly in its league. In 2016, we moved our office from Amsterdam in the Netherlands to Kenilworth in the United Kingdom.

The Hague, December 2016

Zaken EerstOxfam Novib published a report about the use of development aid funds to provide financial assistance to companies in the Netherlands and in developing countries. Ethics at Work’s Jolien Schure and Bart Slob did the research for this report.

Amsterdam, November 2016

We helped the Girls Advocacy Alliance, a lobby and advocacy programme carried out by Plan Nederland, Terre des Hommes and DCI-ECPAT, to develop ideas on how to engage with the private sector. This video provides an example of how the Alliance wants to increase the economic participation of young women in developing companies.

Geneva, November 2016

Class of 2016Members of the class of 2016 receive their diploma of Advanced Studies in Corporate Social Responsibility. For this executive education programme at the University of Geneva, Ethics at Work develops and teaches a module on CSR standards, value chains, supply chain responsibility and stakeholder engagement.

Rome, October 2016

Value chain working group meetingWe participated in a meeting of the UN Value Chain Development Working Group at the FAO headquarters in Rome. The theme was inclusiveness in value chain development.

Lyon, July 2016

Mode CityFour Colombian shapewear and beachwear companies participated in the Mode City trade fair in Lyon. Ethics at Work provides these and other Colombian companies with market intelligence on European markets, on behalf of CBI / Netherlands Enterprise Agency.

Brussels, April 2016

Presenting findings at a high-level conference in Brussels. Photo: European CommissionAt a high-level conference on responsible supply chain management in the garment sector, Rupa Ganguli and Bart Slob presented policy options to make garment supply chains more sustainable.

Brussels, April 2016

This video shows some of the work Rupa Ganguli and Bart Slob have been doing with the European Commission to promote supply chain responsibility in the garment sector.

Amsterdam, April 2016

CBI peer group on processed fruit and vegetables. Photo: Bart Slob For CBI / Netherlands Enterprise Agency we facilitated a peer group on processed fruits and vegetables at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT).

Vienna, December 2015

UN expert group meetingUNIDO invited us to discuss trends and best practices with the UN Value Chain Development Working Group.

The Hague, October 2015


We chaired a conference on living wages organised by the Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines. The conference was attended by 140 experts in the field.

Ankara, October 2015


For the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) we were in Ankara to present a study on promoting agricultural value chains in the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Amsterdam, October 2015

La strada resource guideWe helped La Strada International and SOMO develop a resource guide on engaging the private sector to end human trafficking.

The Hague, June 2015

2015 - Topix Den HaagWe facilitated a three-day CBI conference on the inclusion of African companies in global value chains. Great atmosphere, with trade promotion officials from over 20 African countries.

Amsterdam, May 2015

Peer group KITWe chaired a CBI market intelligence peer group on tea, with European importers and Vietnam’s Trade Promotion Agency, at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT).

Delft, March 2015

CSR policy on website Fox-ITWe helped cyber security company Fox-IT develop a CSR policy, which was endorsed by Fox-IT’s board of directors in March 2015.

Geneva, February 2015

Visit BacardiEthics at Work organises part of UNIGE’s executive education in CSR program. As part of the module on supply chain responsibility we visited the Bacardi-Martini production facility in Meyrin, where we learned about the supply chain arrangements of the largest privately held spirits company in the world.

Istanbul, November 2014

SA8000 Advanced auditor course
Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob participated in the SA8000 advanced auditor course in Istanbul, Turkey.

Berlin, November 2014

Action Network_0446We moderated the three-day launch event of the Inclusive Business Action Network (IBAN) in Berlin, organised by GIZ and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The conference was attended by more than 150 social entrepreneurs, development bank representatives, investors, government officials and other stakeholders.

Sevilla, September 2014

Diversitas celebrationWe facilitated a conference that gathered top biodiversity scientists from all over the world. The conference was organised by the Diversitas network, which is now part of Future Earth.

Addis Abeba, September 2014

Workshop on social auditing in Addis Abeba. Photo: Bart SlobFor CBI we trained the bright auditors and trainers of the Ethiopian Horticultural Producers and Exporters Association (EHPEA).

Bahir Dar, September 2014

Workers at a rose farm in Bahir Dar. Photo: Bart SlobEthics at Work’s Bart Slob visited flower growers in Ethiopia to do due diligence for CBI’s flower programme and to improve CBI’s audit and risk management system.

Amstelveen, December 2013

kpmg-survey-of-corporate-responsibility-reporting-2013-1-638Karen Brouwer and Bart Slob coordinated the research and data collection process for the KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2013, which covered 4,100 companies in 41 countries.

The Netherlands, June 2013

We helped Prohumana to organise a visit to the Netherlands for a delegation of 10 Chilean business leaders. They met with representatives of Dutch companies, governmental organizations and civil society organisations. The objective of the visit was to learn and exchange knowledge on corporate social responsibility (CSR). The video is in Spanish.

Trondheim, May 2013

2013 - Trondheim conference

At the Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity, in collaboration with Natasha Walker, we moderated roundtable discussions on the implementation of biodiversity targets. The conference was attended by 400 high-level experts and country representatives.

Amsterdam, May 2013


We chaired a CBI peer group session on the automotive sector. CBI peer groups are discussion groups that bring together representatives from the European private sector (i.e. importers, wholesalers, retailers etc.), trade associations, research institutions and sector experts to share views, opinions and experiences on key market and trade trends and developments.

Sialkot, March 2013

workshop-in-sialkotFor CBI we organised a workshop on responsible supply chain management with factory owners in the surgical instruments sector in Sialkot, Pakistan.

Amsterdam, March 2013

JaimeWe organised a CSR Meetup with HRH Prince Jaime de Bourbon Parme, who was then Special Envoy Natural Resources at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He talked about his efforts to make mining more sustainable.

Amsterdam, January 2013

DSC02634We organised a CSR Meetup with Willem Lageweg, the passionate director of MVO Nederland (CSR Netherlands). We discussed sustainable business opportunities in times of crisis.

Kiev, January 2013

774324_327673714017322_1440421898_oGiving a lecture on corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the Ukrainian CSR Academy, via video conferencing.

Madrid, December 2012

The Spanish CSR Observatory invited us to participate in a workshop on Business and Human Rights. In this video, Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob discusses the evolution of rules and regulation in this field (in Spanish).

Amsterdam, December 2012

Belangenbehartiging van de Nederlandse biobrandstofindustrieIn collaboration with SOMO, we wrote a report for Greenpeace and Actionaid about lobby and advocacy in the Dutch biofuel industry.

Athens, October 2012


Ethics at Work’s Bart Slob participated in the SA8000 basic auditor course in Athens, Greece.

Copenhagen, July 2012

1In collaboration with Natasha Walker, Niels Ferdinand and Bart Slob facilitated a fantastic group of over a hundred scientists, IT experts and policy makers at the Global Biodiversity Informatics Conference in Copenhagen.

Amsterdam, June 2012

IMG_4872We facilitated and organised a CSR Meetup with Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International’s executive director. We discussed the impact of the Rio+20 negotiations on corporate accountability.

© Photo: Kimberley Harris / Greenpeace.

Seoul, June 2012

South Korea Making a presentation on public policies on CSR at the 7th Sustainability Management Conference, organised by the Korean Standards Association and hosted by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.

Washington, June 2012

Inside Story Al Jazeera

Our research on corporate lobbying for Friends of the Earth was featured in Inside Story Americas, an Al Jazeera TV programme.

Sialkot, March 2012

Factory audit in Sialkot. Photo: Minke VorstenboschFor CBI and UNIDO we helped surgical instruments factories in Sialkot, Pakistan, to write and implement CSR action plans.

Santiago de Chile, September 2011

ChileProchile invited us to deliver a keynote speech on “sustainability as a key element in export promotion”. This photo was taken on the roof terrace of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.